Gta Vice City All Mission Complete File Download For Android

100% Complete Vice City Android Save $1000000 200 Health 200 Armour Unlimited Ammo Unlimited Sprint Faster Reload Fireproof Double Health on All Vehicles Sea Sparrow at Vercetti Estate Rhino Tank at Army Base Hunter at Army Base Hunter at Southern House in Ocean Beach Cars in Garages West Island: Hyman Condo: Rhino (Tank), Red Agent Cheetah.

Reward: N/A

Drive to the Ocean View Hotel, and go inside. You can save the game here whenever you are not doing a mission. Walk into the pink marker to trigger a cutscene. Tommy phones Sonny to tell him about the ambush, and he is naturally very angry. He demands the return of his money and his merchandise, and he decides to let Tommy deal with it because of their long history together. Once the call has ended, Tommy slams the phone down in frustration.

Reward: $100

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In order to determine who was responsible for the ambush, Rosenberg suggests meeting with the person who helped him set up the deal. His name is Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez, and he owns an expensive yacht in Ocean Beach. He is hosting a party which will be attended by all of Vice City's big players, and Ken is invited. Ken wants you to go to the party and represent him, and see if you can find out anything about the ambush. First, go to Rafael's and get a chance of clothes. Walk into the pink marker at the pier to trigger a cutscene. Cortez introduces himself and his daughter, Mercedes. He says he has already began making enquiries about the ambush to find the person responsible, but he stresses that these things take time. Mercedes introduces you to the guests at the party - among them are Avery Carrington, BJ Smith, Steve Scott, Donald Love, Congressman Shrub, Pastor Richards and Candy Suxxx. Ricardo Diaz arrives at the party. He wants to do 'business' with Mercedes, but she isn't interested and makes up an excuse instead. Drive Mercedes safely to the Pole Position Club to complete the mission and earn your first payment of $100.

Reward: $200

Rosenberg suggests going to the Malibu Club to talk to Kent Paul, because he knows a lot of people in Vice City and is likely to know something about the ambush. Drive to the Malibu Club and enter the pink marker. Kent Paul says a chef who owns a restaurant in Ocean Drive has been suspiciously happy with himself lately, and may have had some involvment in the ambush. Go and talk to the chef. He refuses to talk, so kill him and pick up his mobile phone. Lance Vance arrives, and reveals that he is the brother of the man you were dealing with. He too wants to know who was responsible for the ambush. Three other chefs arrive at the scene, and they appear ready for a fight. Follow Lance Vance to his car, and drive with him to the local gun shop. Afterwards, drive to the Ocean View Hotel to complete the mission and earn $200. Lance says he will see you around.

After this mission, you receive a phone call from one of the Leo Teal (the chef's) associates. He says he may have found a buyer for 'Diaz's merchandise,' and that you should call him and set up a deal. However, he refuses to say anything else once he realises it isn't Leo talking on the phone.

Reward: $400

Ken reveals that the mob plan on paying you a visit soon, but just now they need a favour from you. Forelli's cousin, Georgio, could go to jail for 5 years for fraud, and you need to make the two jurors change their minds. Pick up the hammer outside Ken's office, and go and smash up their cars - one is located in Ocean Beach, and the other is in Washington Beach. You can use the hammer or a similar wepaon, and you can also ram their cars with another vehicle, it's entirely your choice. Do not kill the jurors though, you need them to be alive! Once they change their minds and decide that Georgio is innocent, you earn $400 for completing the mission. Afterwards you receive a phone call from Sonny, who is curious about what you have been upto. He reiterates the fact that he wants his money back, and warns you not to betray him.

Reward: $1,000

Rosenberg introduces you to Avery Carrington, who was one of the guests at the party. Avery has a problem that he would like you to help him with. A delivery company has its depot on some prime land, and they are refusing to sell it. Avery wants you to start a riot so that you can sneak in and put them out of business while the security have their hands full. First go to Rafael's and get a change of clothes, to disguise yourself as one of the workers. Then go to the depot in Vice Point and start fighting with at least 4 workers to trigger a riot. Once the gates open, go inside and shoot the red barrels to create an explosion. Destroy all 3 vans to complete the mission and earn $1000. Cortez calls and invites you to meet him at the marina in Ocean Beach. He stresses that he and his people are doing their utmost to find those responsible for the ambush.

Reward: $250

The colonel reveals that one of his men has betrayed him, and was partly responsible for the ambush. Go and find Gonzales at his penthouse in Vice Point, and kill him. The colonel gives you a chainsaw to do the job, but you don't necessarily have to use it. If you opt to use the chainsaw, make sure you run with a different weapon and then switch once you have caught up with Gonzales, because it's very hard to run with the chainsaw. You automatically gain a 2-star wanted level for killing Gonzales, so go to the Pay N' Spray in Vice Point to get rid of the cops.

Reward: $500

The colonel wants you to go and meet a courier, to collect some valuable technology from him. Meet him at the Washington Mall. It turns out to be a setup, and a SWAT team are waiting there to attack you. The courier attempts to escape with the chips while the SWAT team attack. Ignore your attackers for now, and focus on the courier. Get on the bike and chase him. Ram his vehicle and try to throw him off course, and eventually he will crash. Waste him before he can get back on the bike, and take the chips back to the colonel at the marina. To make life slightly easier, you could go to Ammu-Nation and buy a Mac before the mission starts, so that you can shoot the courier while you are on the bike.

Reward: $1,000

Gta Vice City All Mission Complete File Download For Android

Diaz wants you to oversee a minor business transaction. The colonel has dropped some protection at the multistorey car park, so go there and pick it up and then watch over Diaz's men at the drop off. Lance meets you at the multistorey car park, and offers his assistance. Go to the drop off with Lance and talk to Diaz, who arrives with two of his men. Go to the vantage point at the top of the stairs, and keep an eye on the radar while Diaz negotiates with the Cubans. The yellow blips on the radar represent Hiatians, who are looking to interrupt the deal. Kill the Hiatians, and protect Diaz's men at all costs. Keep a close eye on the radar, more Hiatians are due to arrive. Be sure to keep an eye on Lance's health also, one of the Hiatians goes up the stairs to try and eliminate him, so be alert. Two Hiatians make a get-a-way with Diaz's cash. Lance is able to snipe one of them, but the other is getting away. Pick up the weapons dropped by the Hiatians you killed you earlier, and get on the bike. Chase him through the alleyways and shoot him from the bike, but be careful not to blow up the bike itself, otherwise the money will be destroyed along with it. Once you have retrieved the cash, return it to Diaz to complete the mission. Diaz calls afterwards to express his satisfaction with your work. The Ricardo Diaz missions are now available.

Reward: $1,000

One of Diaz's men is stealing money from him. Diaz wants you to follow him, and find out where he is stashing the cash, so that you can later kill him. Go to the thief's apartment in Vice Point, and look through his window. The apartment is empty, but the thief is spotted trying to escape to the roof. Keep on his tail, but do not kill him. Follow him across the roof, being careful to avoid the gaps which seperate the different sections of the complex. The thief creates an explosion by firing at red barrels, so be careful to avoid the fire. He makes a get-a-way in a BF Injection. Get on the bike and begin chasing him. He fires with a ruger from the back of the vehicle, so stay at a safe distance from him, and if possilble use the cars in front of you as protection. Follow the thief to the abandoned house in Prawn Island, where the chase ends.

Reward: $2,000

The house where the cash is held is being heavily guarded, so Diaz wants Lance err, 'Quentin' to fly you over. Lance believes that Diaz is the main person responsible for the ambush, and he wants to eliminate him. Lance is going to circle Prawn Island with the chopper while you take out any attackers. Practice shooting things like boats, caddies, and golfers during the short trip to Prawn Island. When you get there, there are goons protecting the cash on the roof of the abandoned house, as well as the other houses on the island. Shoot the red barrels to create explosions - these explosions usually kill one or two of the goons and it saves you a bit of work. You need to think quickly and shoot accurately - if you run out of heli-health the mission is failed, so make sure it doesn't take too much damage. Once most of the goons have been eliminated, Lance lowers the chopper and enables you to get out. You are on your own now. Approach the house cautiously, and use the M60 to eliminate anyone inside the house. There are people on the ground floor, at the top of the stairs, and on the roof depending on how many you killed earlier. Pick up the briefcase on the roof, and Lance will return with the chopper to take you back to the mansion.

Reward: $4,000

Diaz owns the fastest boat on the east coast, and he wants it to stay that way. There is a rumour that the boatyard has just completed making a faster boat for some Costa Rican guy, and Diaz wants you to obtain it for him. Make sure you have plenty of ammunition before going to the boatyard. It might be a good idea to invest in some armour also. Approach the boatyard cautiously, it is guarded heavily. Kill as many of the guards as you can from outside the boatyard, and then enter when you can see no more. There is health at the bottom of the stairs south of the boathouse if you need any. There are more guards down by the water, and they are all heavily armed, so beware. Once all of the guards have been eliminated, kill the mechanics inside the boathouse, and walk into the pink marker to trigger the switch which will lower the boat. You'll need a heavy weapon at this point to kill off the remaining attackers, as they come in large numbers. Get in the boat and return it to Diaz's mansion. You should have a 3-star wanted level by this point, so watch out for any police boats.

Reward: $10,000

Each month, a freelancer sails into Vice City and moors his yacht. He sells his cargo to the first boat, so Diaz wants you to take the fastest boat and beat everyone else to it, and return the cargo to him. Go to the fastest boat and walk into the pink marker to trigger a cutscene. Lance is at the scene once again, and he offers his assistance. Get to the yacht before the other boats do. Once you have the cargo, Lance takes over and you become the shootist. If the boat receives too much damage you will fail the mission, so keep an eye on the 'boat health' meter. The other gangs aren't happy that you beat them to the cargo. Kill all of them, and aim for the people in the boats rather than the boats themselves. Watch out for the gunmen on the jetty - aim for the red barrels first. Take out the gunmen in the chopper, and then finally take out the last boat that is up ahead. Make it back to Diaz's mansion safely to complete the mission.

Reward: $2,000

Start this mission with full armour and plenty of ammunition - you will probably need a heavy weapon such as the ruger. Cortez is starting to think that Diaz is responsible for your unfortunate loss. More on that later, for now, Cortez has a buyer for some military hardware which is being driven around town, and he wants you to acquire it for him. Approach the tank, and the army will begin shooting at you. Drive away from them, in order to spread them out. Once you are a considerable distance away from them, wait for them to approach one-by-one and run them over. Go back to the tank and waste anyone else who remains. Get in the tank, and take it to the colonel's garage before it self-destructs.

Reward: $5,000

Circumstances have forced a hasty departure for the colonel. The French want their missile technology back, and the colonel feels it would be safer to leave Vice City and go somewhere else. He wants you to help him escape. The French arrive at the marina in 2 vehicles. They get into boats, and begin to approach the yacht. Kill anyone who attacks the yacht, and be sure to aim for the person shooting rather than the boat itself. Further north, there is a group of boats blocking your route, which you must destroy. Some of the French manage to climb onboard, so beware, they can come up the stairs at any moment. 2 helicopters then arrive at the scene. Destroy them as quickly as possible, before they are able to get people onboard. Once the two helicopters have been destroyed, an apache chopper appears. If you need any health, there is a health icon beside the colonel which constantly re-spawns during the mission. Destroy the apache to complete the mission and earn $5000.

Reward: N/A

You will need health, armour, and a decent weapon (ruger for example) for this mission. Kent Paul informs you that Lance is being held by Diaz's goons across town. Apparently he tried to take out Diaz by myself, but he screwed up. A meter representing Lance's health appears on the right side of the screen, and you must get to him before it runs out. Get in a vehicle (preferraby a fast one) and take a left turn at the Malibu Club. Go across the bridge at the Leaf Links gold club, and then continue straight ahead until you arrive at the junk yard where Lance is being held. Take out any goons at the entrance, and then quickly find cover. This is a good opportunity to make a bit of cash, so providing the coast is clear, pick up anything that was dropped by the guys you just killed. Advance towards the hut where Lance is being held, but beware of oncoming attackers. Watch out for the gunman on top of the tractor. Walk towards Lance and a cutscene will begin. After the cutscene, quickly get in the car parked next to the hut, and wait for Lance to get in. Escape from the junk yard and quickly take a left turn, then make your way to the hospital in downtown Vice City. Diaz's goons are following you, and will attempt to throw you off the road, so try to be quick. Tommy tells Lance to meet him at Diaz's mansion.

Reward: $50,000

Be sure to have plenty of health, armour and ammunition before starting this mission. However, don't waste money on a ruger, as it will automatically be replaced by an M4 when you begin the mission. You need to get inside the mansion, but the main entrance is locked. Lance's health appears on-screen, he musn't die during this mission, so protect him at all times. Kill (from a distance) the goons standing by the pool at the left side of the mansion. Then go up the stairs and proceed around to the back of the mansion, where more gunmen are waiting (this is a much simpler route than going through the maze.) Follow Lance into Diaz's mansion. Approach the stairs cautiously as there are more gunmen waiting. Go up to the second floor of the mansion, and go through to the main area. Eliminate the goons, and move towards the office to trigger a cutscene. Diaz is angry that you have betrayed him, but he's not going down without a fight. Kill Diaz to complete the mission and acquire the property. You will gain $50,000 for doing so. Sonny calls afterwards, and he is becoming increasingly frustrated by your situation.

Reward: $2,000

Before starting this mission, make sure you have a Mac or a similar weapon that you can run and shoot with at the same time, and you'll need plenty of ammunition also. Local businesses know Diaz is dead, and they are refusing to pay protection. Use the chopper on the roof of the mansion to fly to the North Point Mall. Do a hit and run on the shop fronts and the owners will be begging for protection. You have 5 minutes to complete the mission, and it should take about 1 of those minutes to get to the mall, leaving you with 4 minutes to perform the hit and run. Once you have completed this mission, you are able to purchase businesses across the map.

Reward: $4,000

One of the businesses is refusing to pay protection, they reckon they are being protected by a local gang of thugs. Take the two bodyguards and go to the Front Page Café on Ocean Beach. Kill the DBP security men outside, and walk into the pink marker to talk to the manager. The manager tells you to sort it out between yourselves. DBP Security know you are on your way, so get there quickly and kill them before the timer runs out. You can use the vantage point at the top of the stairs across the street to kill them. Your bodyguards will follow you wherever you go, and shoot at whatever you shoot at, but don't rely on them too much. Two other security guards make a run for it, so chase them and make sure they don't get away. You can ram their bikes and kill them once they fall off, or you can perform a drive-by shooting, the latter option is probably the quickest/easiest.

Reward: $10,000

'Mike' was supposed to torch some place in the mall, but he screwed the fuses and now the cops are crawling all over it. Gain a 2-star wanted level, and make a cop car follow you into the garage in Vice Point. Ensure that the entrance isn't blocked, otherwise the door will not close. Get in the cop car behind the garage with Lance, and head over to the North Point Mall. Go inside and walk into the pink marker at the Tarbrush Café to plant the bomb. Quickly run outside, and watch as the café goes up in flames. You automatically gain a 5-star wanted level. Escape from the mall and get back to the Vercetti Estate to complete the mission and the protection ring asset. The Vercetti Estate will now generate revenue up to a maximum of $5000 per day.

You must do the following in order to access the final missions:

  • Purchase the Printworks asset and complete all of the associated missions.
  • Complete all of the Tommy Vercetti missions.
  • Purchase any 5 other assets and complete all of the associated missions.

Once you complete an asset, a money icon appears outside the property which generates cash regularly. If this icon is not present, you haven't completed the mission(s) associated with the asset. Once you have met the three requirements above, you will receive a phone call telling you to pay a visit to the Printworks.

If you cannot access the final missions and you feel you have tried everything, read through this guide.

Reward: $30,000

There has been some trouble down at the Printworks, and Ken tells you to make your way over there immediately. Ernest Kelly has been roughened up by the Forellis. Sonny is furious that he isn't getting a slice of your new action. He has decided to take matters into his own hands, and the mafia is trying to tax all of your businesses. The mafia is travelling from business to business via bike. There are three sets of mobsters altogether, so tail them, and kill them before you are out of business. You have to be quick though, they don't stop for lunch.

Gta Vice City All Mission Complete File Download For Android Apk

Reward: $30,000

Gta Vice City All Mission Complete File Download For Android Windows 10

This is the final mission in the game. Sonny has decided to pay a visit to the mansion, to meet you face to face. In anticipation of this, Tommy asks Ken to prepare some fake cash, and Lance to gather some of the boys together. Sonny arrives at the mansion heavily protected by mobsters. It becomes evident that Lance has betrayed you, and he has been working privately with Sonny all this time. He informs Sonny that the cash in the briefcase is counterfeit. After the cutscene, mobsters storm the mansion and attempt to steal cash from the safe in your office. Your objective is to stay in the office and protect the cash, but if you have plenty of cash don't worry about it. After killing about 10-15 mobsters, Lance enters the room. Follow him to the rooftop whilst shooting, where more mobsters are waiting. Use the barrels as protection, and kill off the mobsters one by one. Finally, kill Lance, and make your way back into the mansion. Sonny enters - armed. Go down the stairs and go behind the main staircase. Shoot off the guards at either side, and then walk to the side of the staircase. Move slowly into a position that enables you to shoot Sonny without him being able to shoot back at you (see the screenshots below.) Finish off Sonny Forelli to complete the mission, and enjoy the final cutscene.

Gta Vice City All Mission Complete File Download For Android Download

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